As an example, lets say we have two bux jobs on board: 1 going to Shanghai valued at 3 bux, and one going to Tokyo valued at 4 bux. The game always adds on a bit extra for each bux job, and it's crucial that we calculate that per destination rather than as one lump sum. However, if you want to find the exact amount of XP a specific flight will deliver (specifically one with bux), the full formula is as follows: P = Total number of coins awarded for delivered passengersī = Total number of bux awarded for delivered items If you want a simple way to figure out roughly how much XP you'll receive from a flight, you can follow this simple formula:Ĭ = Total number of coins awarded for delivered cargo To date, level 123 has never been reached by anyone. The maximum level in which a player unlocks something is 123, as after level 123, the player will have access to every airport in the game, as well as all planes. Starting from the Mohawk and onwards, every 2 level ups unlocks a new plane. Starting from the Supergopher and ending at the Mohawk, every level up unlocks a new plane. On certain levels, you can also get an amount of coins or unlock new planes to buy. After each level up you earn 3 and the ability to purchase 2 more airports, but when updated to the latest version, 2 new airports are unlocked upon levelling up. Each one takes an increasing amount of experience to earn. There is an unlimited number of levels in Pocket Planes.